Tag: riscv

  • How to Run Linux on RISCV in Arty A7-100T FPGA

    How to Run Linux on RISCV in Arty A7-100T FPGA

    It’s been tempting for me to try running open-source software on top of open-source hardware. SiFive provides a bitstream for Arty A7 called Freedom, but it seems that the repository is dead now. The other interesting alternative to try is VexRiscv, and everyone keeps posting about Arty A7 35T while I only have the 100T…

  • This Makes My RISC-V Trap Handler Does Not Work

    I was working on a RISCV assembly when suddenly I got a weird issue. The exception does not get caught in the trap handler. I thought this was a QEMU bug on the RISCV target because the trap handler works on my other code. Then after a day of digging, I figured out that it…

  • The RISCV ISA Documentation Is Better than RISCV Green Card

    I hosted the RISCV ISA Documentation. This is really helpful if you want to learn about the assembly syntax or learning the RISCV itself. As a beginner, this documentation is more effective instead of constantly checking at the green card. 🙂

  • Stuck at Debugging RISCV on Arty A7 using J-Link

    Running the RISCV Processor I got an Arty A7 board coming to my desk, and I’m curious to try running a RISCV processor on it. Not long after following the tutorial from Digilent, I was able to program the RISCV processor on this board just by using a MicroUSB cable. Running the Program on RISCV…